Embrace a growth mindset. Edit your life.

Life Lessons

In my 66 years on this planet, I’ve realized that a unique blessing from the Universe is the constant opportunity to edit and rewrite my life. I embraced this opportunity and used it to the hilt.

This ongoing process of reflection and adjustment has driven my continuous evolution, propelling me into roles I never imagined – from a lecturer at 25, a businessman at 27, a meditator at 45, a trekker and traveler at 55, and finally, a writer at 60. This has enabled me to build brands, see mountain tops, drive through deserts and snow and become a published author.

One must don the metaphorical hat of an editor and scrutinize every facet of one’s life periodically – from habits, hobbies, and relationships to self-care and career choices. This introspective exercise is critical in breaking free from the threads of a stagnant past that could impede personal growth.

I believe life should be an ongoing metamorphosis—an evolution of the soul. Cliched as it may sound, change is the only constant thing in life. It’s not merely a philosophical concept but a practical guide to personal development.

To evolve is to have a growth mindset, be willing to go through uncharted territories, jump loops, and break free from the inertia of sameness that could dissolve your potential.

Stagnation inevitably follows when one remains stagnant. Therefore, I am committed to ceaselessly seeking my next passion. In this restlessness and discontent, I find the impetus for growth.

Embrace your discontent as a catalyst for positive change and not a negative emotion to be treated.

Life is a manuscript—one that demands ceaseless editing. It beckons us to continually revise, refine, and rewrite our narrative. Embrace change, recognizing that staying in the comfort of familiarity while feeling stagnation gnawing at your soul is counterproductive, and in the process of evolution, you’ll find a wealth of untapped potential within yourself.

Open your life’s manuscript and start reviewing it.

As Shakespeare said, “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves”.

Evolve before you dissolve.



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Inner Trek
My Book

After being threatened by a Bangalore mob boss, retired Indian businessman Mohan Ranga Rao takes a vow to trek around Mount Kailash, a holy Tibetan Mountain revered by over a billion people. What starts out as merely a challenging high-altitude trek soon becomes a life-changing adventure. With a blend of humour, honesty and keen insight, Mohan journeys toward a deeper understanding of the world around him. A memoir of a road less travelled and a true story of self-discovery at 19,000 feet.

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