About Me

I am Mohan Ranga Rao,

a 64-year-old entrepreneur who treats life like an enterprise. I am a trekker, traveller, writer, tennis player and the kind of a guy who takes his double espressos and his single malts neat.

By the time I turned 50, I had fathered a blind daughter, lost her to cancer when she was barely 9, set up and sold many brands and businesses including a world class pharmaceutical facility, built a temple for the poor, completed 25 treks several of which were in the Himalayas at more than 12000 feet altitude.

It is my wish to share my experiences of my inner and outer journeys, my thoughts about eastern philosophy and my treks and travels.

I have written numerous blogs and two books.


My first book, Inner trek…a reluctant pilgrim in the Himalayas; It is about my trek around Mount Kailash, a holy Tibetan Mountain revered by over a billion people. What started out to me as merely a challenging high-altitude trek soon became a life-changing adventure. With a blend of humour, honesty and keen insight, I have narrated journey toward a deeper understanding of the world around me. It is a travel memoir of a road less travelled and a true story of self-discovery at 19,000 feet.

My second book, to be published in 2022, Myopia is my true-life memoir of a phase of my life that will show you how you can use personal tragedy for building you inner strength, failures to build character and make you move forward in better ways. Tragedy and failures occur for the benefit of mankind, not just you. You will not see that when you are facing the hardship due to your mental myopia.

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